The Center for Information Assurance Engineering (CIAE) is a research and educational unit at the University of South Carolina (USC) . It is a part of the ongoing effort at USC to increase information systems security awareness and develop high quality education and research in this area. Faculty and students associated with the CIAE are working in a broad spectrum of security topics and issues. Our goal is to become one of the leading academic institutes in the Unites States in Information Security Education. Our programs are regularly reviewed by our Industry Advisory Board members.
National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance and Cyber Defense Education 2010-2020 (no-laps extension to 2021)
National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Research 2015-2020 (no-laps extension to 2021)
The Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency (NSA) have certified that University of South Carolina offers a set of courseware that has been reviewed by National Level Information Assurance Subject Matter Experts and determined to meet National Training Standard for Information Systems Security Professionals as specified by the Information Assurance Courseware Evaluation Program of NSA. CIAE is part of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of South Carolina. Please follow the links in this page to find out more about our work. Send comments to: Dr. Csilla Farkas (farkas-at